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local case study

United Kingdom

Broken Cross

Broken Cross Wind Farm site covers an area of 276 ha located on the restored former opencast coal site to the east of the M74, near Douglas Water and Rigside. The current land use of the site comprises of a mixture of land uses: the central and eastern parts of the site are dominated by the recently restored former surface mine workings and the western site land use comprises a mix of restored pasture land and plantation woodland.

9 wind turbines
43.2 MW of planned capacity
36,900 homes to be supplied with green energy per year
Project status construction

local case study

United Kingdom

Broken Cross

Broken Cross Wind Farm site covers an area of 276 ha located on the restored former opencast coal site to the east of the M74, near Douglas Water and Rigside. The current land use of the site comprises of a mixture of land uses: the central and eastern parts of the site are dominated by the recently restored former surface mine workings and the western site land use comprises a mix of restored pasture land and plantation woodland.

9 wind turbines
43.2 MW of planned capacity
36,900 homes to be supplied with green energy per year
Project status construction

Project Location

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