Corner Copse Solar Limited is developing a solar farm on approximately 95 hectares of land near Stanton Fitzwarren village in Swindon. Planning permission for the project was granted in June 2020, and BayWa r.e. bought the project in 2021.
About the Project
The development will comprise of rows of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, each mounted on metal posts positioned to maximise sunlight. Other infrastructure includes underground cables, inverters, transformers, substations, monitoring and control systems and access tracks. The development will connect into the grid at Stratton Substation, to the north of Kingsdown Road.
The solar farm has a consented 35-year operational lifespan and after decommissioning will be restored back to full agricultural use.
With a grid capacity of 49.9 MW, once completed, Corner Copse Solar Farm could provide enough electricity to supply up to 15,000 homes*.
- Why here?
- Ties in with existing solar farms;
- Good access from the public road;
- Availability of nearby grid capacity;
- Good solar irradiance to generate solar energy.
The project will enhance the biodiversity of the site via various measures such as:
- the use of locally prevalent native species;
- the reinforcement and creation of hedgerows to strengthen wildlife corridors and provide connectivity of habitats across the site;
- a variety of grassland/wildflower meadow seed mixes;
- tree, shrub/scrub/coppice planting, incorporating a diverse mix of species;
- new tree planting will be concentrated at the site entrance from Trenchard Road, whilst scrub planting will be introduced in field margins throughout the site;
- hibernacula/wood piles for amphibians and reptiles; and,
- bird and bat boxes.
Landscape and Visual
- Retention of key landscape characteristics identified in the local landscape character assessments; and,
- The solar farm will generally be screened by landscaping.
- Public rights of way will be retained throughout the operation of the solar farm.
- Safe access will be carefully managed throughout the construction period.
- Supporting governmental climate targets to reach the zero net carbon in 2050;
- Supporting Swindon Borough Council’s Net Zero Emissions Action Plan;
- Producing enough clean, renewable electricity to power up to 15,000 homes each year;
- Providing opportunities for biodiversity net gain through biodiversity measures;
- Providing local contracting opportunities for civil works during construction;
- Setting up an annual fund with the Stanton Fitzwarren Parish Council.
Need for the Project
This project is in response to the pressing need to create a renewable energy supply and to combat the effects of climate change. The UK Climate Change Commission published ‘The Sixth Carbon Budget: The UK’s path to Net Zero’ in December 2020. The report identified that to achieve ‘net zero’ carbon emissions there is a need for, on average, 3000MW per year of solar power to be installed in the UK to reach the required level of renewable energy generation by 2050.
The project also supports Swindon Borough Council’s Net Zero Action Plan dated March 2023 which sets out the Council’s commitment to:
- Achieve net zero in the Council’s organisational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030; and,
- Support residents and organisations across the Borough on the journey to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050, which links to the UK-wide same date target set by the UK Government.
The Net Zero Action Plan can be viewed here.
Construction Update
We have appointed Powersystems UK Ltd, to lead on the civil and electrical works for the cable route and substation of the project.
Indicative dates for the initial phase of their works are outlined below:
- Compound Mobilisation
Starting w/c 27 May 2024, we will be setting up a temporary construction compound at Mill Barn on Trenchard Road to facilitate deliveries for Powersystems and alleviate vehicle movements closer to the village. Another compound location will be set up in a field at the top of Mill Lane to further reduce the number of delivery vehicles transiting up Mill Lane.
Access Track Upgrade
- Start w/c 27 May to the end of July 2024
- We will be upgrading and extending the access track from Mill Lane to the new substation location to the South of the site.
Construction of New Electricity Substation
Starting from the end of July 2024 and extending through July 2025, we will be building a new electricity substation at the South of the site.
The large components were delivered in December 2024 and January 2025.
High Voltage Cable Installation
Concurrently with the substation construction, from the end of July 2024 to October 2025, we will be installing high voltage cables to connect the solar farm to the substation at the south of the site, across Kingsdown Lane and to Stratton Substation, to the north of Kingsdown Road.
The team at Corner Copse Solar Farm understand that the construction activities outlined above may cause inconvenience to residents and businesses.
We are committed to minimising any disruption during these works as far as possible by:
- Adhering strictly to standard weekday working hours, from 7.30 am to 6.00 pm avoiding peak traffic times wherever possible.
- Ensuring that works will not take place overnight, during weekends or bank holidays.
Additionally, to ensure smooth traffic flow for this scope of work, larger vehicles will be escorted down Mill Lane by our contractors.
Safety is our key priority, and therefore, some public rights of way in the area may need to be temporarily closed or diverted during construction phase. Alternative routes will be provided, and we will keep you updated as works progress.
We have appointed InnovateAgri to carry out some initial civil enabling works for the access locations of the project.
Indicative dates for their phase of works are outlined below:
- Civil Enabling Works
- Site investigation at the consented junction locations on Trenchard Road and the B4019.
- To take place in the week of 3rd January 2025.
- Installation of access track from private road at Beech Farm to tie in to existing compound in June 2024.
- Installation of junctions A, B and C to commence January to beginning of February 2025.
- Site investigation at the consented junction locations on Trenchard Road and the B4019.
Construction Contact
For all enquiries related to Powersystems work, please contact:
- Stuart Gibson-Smith, Site Manager: 07810 548618
- Mia Thorpe, Project Administrator: 01454 318000
For all enquiries related to InnovateAgri work, please contact:
- Guenther Obermaier, Project Manager
- Phone: +49 15158326462
- Email:
Project timeline
Other Project Updates:
Following the discharge of the relevant planning conditions, the construction of the main construction compound at Beech Farm was completed in June 2023.
After reviewing the originally consented 132kV cable route from the substation to Stratton substation (which was via Kingsdown Lane, Highworth Road and Kinsdown Road) we identified an alternative route along the edge of Stratton Wood which would significantly reduce the cable length, avoid impacts on mature trees and woodland, and minimise disruption to the local community during construction works. This alternative route was granted planning permission in April 2024. Further information can be found on Swindon Borough Council’s website here.
Any questions?
As a responsible developer and operator of renewable energy projects, we welcome any questions you may have about this development. For further information please contact us below, or email infosolar(at)
*Calculated using recent statistics from DESNZ showing that annual GB average domestic household consumption is 3,509kWh (as of December 2022, updated annually): number of megawatts installed, multiplied by a site specific load factor expressed as a fraction of 1, multiplied by number of hours in a year, divided by average annual domestic electricity consumption expressed in MWh.