About the Project
This project has received consent for a solar farm to be installed on land at Perrinpit Farm in Frampton Cotterell. The expected generating capacity of the project is up to 49.9 MW of solar power, which is enough energy to supply approximately 15,000 homes annually with clean, renewable energy.
BayWa r.e. UK Limited (BayWa r.e.) and Grϋne Energien Solar (GE), our joint venture development partner, have received planning permission for a 49.9 MW solar farm located at Perrinpit Farm, Perrinpit Road, Frampton Cotterell, BS36 2AT. The development will include a green corridor from north to south, as well as new wildflower meadows, trees as well as hedgerow.
This website is intended to give some advance information, and we have provided contact information if you would like to get in touch.
Latest News
In 2021 we submitted a planning application to the South Gloucestershire Council planning office and Perrinpit received consent from the council in September 2022. Thoughout the planning process, members of the public and other interested parties commented on the proposal and where possible we incorporated a number of amendments to the site design.
As of early 2023, the project team began to work with various consultants to start the process to discharge planning conditions.
About Grüne Energien Solar
To develop this project, we joined forces with Grϋne Energien Solar to share development, commercial and technical knowledge. Grϋne Energien Solar specialises in solar development and has developed many projects in the UK in the last decade (around 50).
We formed a project company, Perrinpit Road Solar Limited, for the development of our Perrinpit Road Solar Farm project.

Project Location Map
The planning boundary is approximately 90 hectares of which 70 hectares will be used for the development. The land is flat and unobstructed, of which we have endeavoured to use the lower grade agricultural land (grade 3b). We have amended the initial layout design to remove approximately 20 hectares of higher quality agricultural land within the project development area in line with consultation comments.
We intend to install rows of solar panels on metal frames, with the highest point of the panels being ca. 2.5m above ground level. Existing public footpaths and bridleways will be maintained, and there will be green spaces in between the panels and around hedgerows throughout the site for sheep to graze and for the planting of wildflower meadows to enhance biodiversity. In addition, we have designed a new permissive bridleway which will connect the existing bridleway network in the local area.
- Ecology
Our team of ecologists, engineers, and planning experts have conducted studies to assess the proposed solar farm, and the local planning authority determined that our proposed solar farm would have limited impact on the surrounding area.
Biodiversity improvements will include:
- Planting 30 acres of new wildflower meadow and grassland;
- Planting 1,700 metres of new hedgerow;
- Planting 99 new trees.
Landscape and Visual
To assess landscape and visual impact, we employed a specialist to identify locations where the solar farm might be visible and provide recommendations for using hedgerows, trees and other physical features to screen the solar farm as much as possible. In line with consultation feedback we have amended the proposed substation location to reduce visual impact upon public rights of way. The Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment report submitted in support of the planning application found that the proposed layout is suitable, and the visual impact will be limited.
Why here?
- Solar irradiation is high in this area;
- Relatively flat and unobstructed land;
- Good access for construction and maintenance;
- Connection to the electricity grid nearby.
Public Rights of Way:
- The solar farm will be built around the existing public rights of way.
- During construction, temporary diversions will be implemented where necessary to ensure public safety.
- Public rights of way will be retained for the life of the solar farm.
- During construction, Heavy Goods Vehicles will visit the site up to 6 times per day from Junction 14 and 16 of the M5 Motorway.
- A traffic specialist assessed construction traffic along a route from the M5 via Junction 16, to the A38, to Old Gloucester Road and finally Perrinpit Road, and found no significant impacts to local traffic patterns.
Site Layout
The BayWa r.e./Grϋne Energien Solar project team and our external specialists have worked hard to find the best design for the project, making sure that all decisions are made with the following constraints in mind:
- Technical (topography, flood risk, traffic and access etc.)
- Environmental (wildlife, habitats, landscape and visual effects etc.)
Until the solar farm is actually built, modifications to the design will be required. Changes are flagged as a result of constant and ongoing communication with designers, the electricity network operator and stakeholders such as the local community and planning authority through the planning application process. To see the most up to date design of the proposed solar farm (as of 21/09/2022) click on the Site Design Plan.
- Security Fencing and Gates
For security, deer fencing made of metal mesh and wooden poles at a height of 2.1 metres will surround the site, and entrances to the site off Perrinpit Road will be gated.
Internal Access Tracks
To perform operations and maintenance tasks across the site, staff will utilise several new tracks (grassland or gravel) that will be designed in the most optimal way to avoid impacts to hedgerows and other existing features of the site.
CCTV Cameras
For security, CCTV cameras will be placed 50 metres apart throughout the site and they will be monitored remotely.
Spare Parts Containers
For storage of spare parts, we will place 3 steel containers in appropriate locations around the site, which will be 2.8 metres high, 6 metres long, and 2.4 metres wide.

Benefits of Solar Energy
- 49.9MW of renewable energy supply to help reduce South Gloucestershire and the UK’s carbon emissions. Helps the UK meet its legally binding targets for 2030 and 2050 of supplying increasing amounts of energy from renewables.
- Producing enoughclean, renewable electricity to power up to 15,000 homes each year.
- Agricultural use can continue within the solar farm throughout the life of the project. There will be spaces between the solar panels for sheep to graze. Once decommissioned, the land will be returned to its previous condition and the soil will possibly have benefitted from not being intensively farmed for up to 40 years.
- Biodiversity improvement of the site, including:
- 1,700m of new hedgerows;
- 140 acres of planting (wildflower meadows and natural grasses);
- Habitat creation and enhanced biodiversity.
- Job creation – up to 20 jobs for construction period, 2-3 long term jobs (maintenance, operations and security).
- Community benefits - BayWa r.e. / GE are committed to paying a community benefit of £10,000 per annum once the project is operational.
The Need for the Project
The proposed solar farm would generate up to 49.9MW of low carbon renewable energy for the life of the project (40 years), which would help the UK government meet its legally binding target under the Climate Change Act 2008 to achieve a 'net zero' carbon account by 2050. The government strongly supports the increased use of low carbon energy generation and is developing policy to promote a cleaner environment and a greener economy.
South Gloucestershire Council is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint, and in July 2019 the council declared a climate emergency, pledging to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and ensuring 100% renewable energy across the area by 2050.
Next Steps
- Discharge of planning conditions, S184 Licence to modify the site access;
- Distribution Network Operator: design of non-contestable work;
- Construction start: spring 2024