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Redshaw Battery Energy Storage System

BayWa r.e. is proposing to develop a battery energy storage system (BESS) with a capacity of up to 500 MW on land west of the M74 corridor, approximately 3km south-east of Douglas in South Lanarkshire.

The proposed site is made up of rough unimproved grazing and open moorland and is primarily used for sheep grazing.

BayWa r.e. has a strong track record of developing renewable energy projects in South Lanarkshire, having built Dalquandy Wind Farm near Coalburn, and Broken Cross Wind Farm near Douglas and Rigside, and Little Gala Wind Farm is currently going through the planning stages.

What is a BESS?

A battery energy storage system (BESS) is a technology which stores excess energy for later use - a larger version of the batteries we are more familiar with.

Often the amount of electricity we generate, and the amount we need, do not match. For example, on a windy day, wind turbines may generate more power than we need but, using BESS, the excess power charges the batteries, and the power can then be fed into to the grid at a time when less power is available.

Historically, when the energy generated by renewables has not been enough to meet demand, we have had to rely on traditional power sources such as gas to “top up” the energy supply. However, BESS can help reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy and keep the grid stable by adjusting supply and demand.


The BayWa r.e. Redshaw BESS project is in the early development phase with several environmental studies underway. These studies together with feedback from statutory consultees and the local community will inform the project’s final footprint and design. At this stage, it is likely the proposals will include:

  • A flat platform on which multiple battery containers will be placed.
  • The battery containers will be approximately 14 metres (m) long, 4m high and 4m wide.
  • The platform would be enclosed by security fencing, CCTV and lighting where required. 
  • Electrical equipment including inverter/switchgear/transformer stations.
  • Underground cables.
  • Onsite substation.
  • Internal access tracks.

Access to the site would be from the adjacent B7078 via the M74.

The BESS would be bordered by high quality landscaping to both limit views into the site and enhance biodiversity.

Example of a BayWa r.e. battery container.

Why Redshaw BESS?

The increase in renewable energy generation, and South Lanarkshire’s position close to the border between Scotland and England, means upgrades to the transmission network are required to ensure the network can effectively manage and distribute energy across the UK. Scottish Power Transmission's (SPT) plan for a new high voltage substation at Redshaw, immediately south of BayWa r.e.’s proposed Redshaw BESS, is one such upgrade. Further information on this project can be found on SPT’s website here.

Due to the close proximity of SPT’s proposed Redshaw substation, and the availability of adjacent developable land, a significant opportunity was identified to develop a BESS at this location to support the transmission network as well as Scotland’s energy transition.

Next Steps

As the proposed development would have a capacity of over 50MW, the project would be decided by Scottish Minsters in consultation with South Lanarkshire Council and other statutory consultees. An application will be submitted towards the end of 2024.

Meanwhile, our Project Team will be working to fully understand the opportunities and constraints across the site to ensure the proposed development is appropriately sited and designed from both environmental and engineering perspectives.

As a responsible developer, BayWa r,e, would like to hear from the local community to ensure the project delivers real benefits to the surrounding area. Two public exhibitions will be held throughout the year; where proposals for the site will be shared and feedback gathered to inform and refine the final development.

Additional Resources

    Freya Murray
    Consents Manager
    BayWa r.e. UK Limited
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