BayWa r.e. UK Ltd. is proposing to build a wind farm next to the operational Corriegarth Wind Farm, on the Corriegarth Estate, Gorthleck approximately 15km north-east of Fort Augustus and 10km south-east of Foyers.
We have created this page to share information about the proposal and gather community feedback. The Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm information page will be available throughout the planning process.
About the Project
This project has received consent for a wind farm with an expected generating capacity up to 70 MW of wind power, which is enough energy to supply approximately 49,500 homes annually* with clean, renewable energy. The project includes a plan to restore 100 ha of peatland as part of habitat management proposals and supports the wider ongoing regional eagle management plan. The project is committed to an annual community benefit payment of over £330,000.
up to 70 MW
up to 49,500*
Restoration of 100 ha of peatland and support of the regional eagle management plan
Latest News
Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm Consented by Scottish Ministers
BayWa r.e. received consent from the Scottish Government for the Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm in December 2023. Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm is the first wind project that has been led by BayWa r.e. UK from inception to consent. As an extension to the operational Corriegarth Wind Farm owned by Greencoat UK Wind Plc., the consented 70 MW scheme would be able to produce enough renewable energy to meet approximately 82% of the domestic electricity demand in Inverness**.
The construction of Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm is anticipated to inject an estimated £11 million into the Highland economy, with £32 million spent in Scotland overall***. As a member of Inverness Chamber of Commerce, BayWa r.e. will work with business leaders to identify local supply chain opportunities.
A copy of the consent and application documents can be viewed on the ECU website – here.
Corriegarth 2 Wind Farm Application
An application to construct and operate the wind farm was submitted to the Scottish Government in January 2021 for determination by Scottish Ministers under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989. Following consultation, changes were made to the layout and two turbines were removed and eight turbines relocated. Turbine numbers have therefore been reduced from 16 to 14.
The original Environmental Impact Assessment Report was therefore amended by Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI) submitted to the Scottish Ministers in April 2022. Following an objection to the scheme (subsequently withdrawn) by The Highland Council the application was referred to the Scottish Government’s Department for Planning Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) for determination. As part of that process additional information was submitted to the DPEA.
You can view the original Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), the SEI and the Additional Information using the links below. Information relating to the application process can be found on the following Scottish Government’s websites:
Scottish Government - Energy Consents Unit - Application Details (ECU ref - ECU00002175)
Project Location Map
The development will include 14 wind turbines, with a maximum tip height of 149.9m, wind farm tracks and electrical infrastructure. The site has been designed to minimise environmental impacts and take advantage of the high wind speeds in the area. In particular siting the wind farm adjacent to the existing Corriegarth Wind Farm means the existing wind farm roads and overhead grid connection can be shared minimising the need for new infrastructure and associated environmental effects.
About the Site
- Up to 14 turbines;
- Turbine maximum tip height 149.9m;
- Installed capacity over 70 MW;
- Ancillary infrastructure including: substation and control building; crane hardstandings; underground cabling; a temporary construction compound; borrow pit; and temporary laydown areas;
- Includes proposal to restore 100 ha of peatland at the site.
The existing Corriegarth Wind Farm has been operational since 2017 and consists of:
- 23 Turbines with a tip height of 120m;
- Total output capacity of 69 MW;
- Approximately 25 km of access tracks;
- An on-site substation connecting into the Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission’s overhead line to their substation at Farigaig.
- Ecology
- Upland restoration of 100 ha of peatland
- Support of the wider ongoing regional eagle management plan
- Landscape and Visual
- Why here?
- Access
Benefits of Wind Energy
- Supporting governmental climate targets;
- Help secure home grown energy for the UK;
- Producing enough clean, renewable electricity to power up to 49,500 homes per year*;
- Providing opportunities for biodiversity net gain through upland peatland restortation;
- Providing local contracting opportunities for civil works during construction and ongoing maintenance contracts;
- Setting up an annual community benefit contribution fund of £5,000 per MW per year.
The Need for the Project
On 28th April 2019, Scotland’s First Minister declared a “climate emergency”, following this the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 was passed committing Scotland to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2045, at the latest.
The Scottish Government’s Energy Strategy, published in December 2017, sets out the target of achieving the “equivalent of 50% of the energy for Scotland’s heat, transport and electricity consumption to be supplied from renewable sources” by 2030. In order to meet this, and wider renewable energy targets by 2030, approximately 17 GW of installed capacity will be required throughout Scotland. As onshore wind offers the lowest cost renewable energy technology it is a vital component of the renewables industry in Scotland and will play a key part in achieving these targets.
The proposed development could contribute to these targets by adding up to 70 MW of installed onshore wind capacity over its 30 year operational lifespan.
Download Documents
Project Timeline
*Calculated using the most recent statistics from DESNZ showing that annual GB average domestic household consumption is 3,509kWh (as of December 2022, updated annually): number of megawatts installed, multiplied by a site specific load factor expressed as a fraction of 1, multiplied by number of hours in a year, divided by average annual domestic electricity consumption expressed in MWh.
**Domestic electricity demand (GWh) from the most recent statistics from DESNZ on Sub-national electricity consumption data per domestic meter point for the Highlands (624.9 GWh as of 2021), while Inverness estimate is derived by combining the consumption data alongside UK population statistics from ONS (mid-year 2021) and the National Records of Scotland (mid-year 2020); Highlands consumption is divided by the total population (238,060) and multiplied by the Inverness inhabitants (47,790) to come up with an MWh estimate of domestic consumption for this city. Dividing the expected annual wind site GWh generation by the Highlands and estimated Inverness consumption estimate gives the predicted coverage of COR 2 across these demand centres.
***Based on the BiGGAR Economics report commissioned by RenewableUK61, onshore wind Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) is £1.32 m per MW on average. On this basis, it is estimated that, during the construction phase, the Development will be worth approximately £47 million to the UK economy. Of that approximately £36 million is expected to be spent within Scotland (national) and £12 million is expected to be spent within Highland (regional).