BayWa r.e. Ireland Ltd. is exploring the opportunity to develop a wind farm on land at Gooseberryhill, Co. Cork. The projected generating capacity of the proposed wind farm is enough to supply approximately 40,000 homes annually with clean, renewable electricity.
The project will benefit the local community through an inclusive Community Benefit Fund, which will allow a wide range of individuals and organisations to benefit from the proposed wind farm. It also has the potential for job creation during the construction, operation and maintenance phases of the proposed project, as well as opportunities for local businesses in the supply chain.
BayWa r.e. Ireland understand the importance of community engagement at every stage of a project’s development process. We have created this page to share information about the proposal, provide details on upcoming public information events, and to gather community feedback. The Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm development information page will be available and updated throughout the application process.
Project Status
Detailed environmental studies are continuing across the study area including ecology, hydrology, noise, and landscape and visual assessments. As the project is at an early stage the proposed number, location and height of the turbines has not been fully determined. We expect to have a draft turbine layout to present to the local community for feedback in the coming months. The proposed wind farm will be designed to enable it to align with the Draft Wind Energy Guidelines (2019), and feedback gained through the community engagement process will inform the final detailed design and formal planning submission.
Meteorological Mast Location
A meteorological mast was installed at Gooseberryhill Townland in August 2023 as part of ongoing wind measurements. In October 2024, an application was submitted to Cork County Council to retain the mast for a further 36 months. The mast monitors wind speed, wind direction, and other meteorological conditions in the area. This data collection is essential for assessing local conditions and ensuring that our design team is informed by accurate, up-to-date information. Once the measurements are completed, the mast will be fully dismantled, and the land will be restored to its original state.
Benefits to the Local Community
Community Benefit Fund
Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm has the potential to bring significant positive benefits to the local community. The project will support local employment; it will contribute annual rates to the local authority, and it will provide a Community Benefit Fund in line with the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS).
RESS is a policy initiative to deliver on the Government’s Climate Action Plan. An important feature of RESS is that all projects must establish a Community Benefit Fund to be used for the wider environmental, social and economic well-being of the local community. The scheme mandates all RESS projects to contribute €2 per MWh annually into a community fund for the RESS contract period i.e. the first 15 years of the wind farm’s operation. Under RESS, communities will be at the heart of the decision-making process. The focus of the funds should support local initiatives that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals such as energy upgrade (retrofit) of homes, restoration work for local buildings, and sports ground refurbishments.
If the project seeks an alternative route to market other than RESS, BayWa r.e. Ireland pledges to match these contributions.
Employment Opportunities
The development brings employment opportunities during the construction, operation and maintenance phases of the proposed project. Demand for a wide range of products and services will create indirect employment and opportunities for local businesses in the supply chain.
Council Rate Contributions
Under current guidelines, Cork County Council would receive a significant contribution in annual rates from Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm. This will have a positive impact on local infrastructure and amenities such as roads and public lighting.

Environmental Studies and Sensitivities
The environment is extremely important to us. Thorough studies and surveys in and around the study area are essential to design a wind farm that respects the surrounding landscape and environment. In designing a layout for the proposed Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm, a number of factors will be considered including:
- Noise
- Setback Distance from Residential Property
- Visual Impact
- Environmental Sensitivity
- Shadow Flicker
- Rivers and Streams
- Grid Access
- Telecommunications Links
- County Development Plans
- Existing Infrastructure
Project Timeline
Additional Resources
Have Your Say
BayWa r.e. Ireland intend to hold Public Information Events in the locality in the coming months. Information will be added here once details are confirmed. Should you wish to submit any comments/suggestions on the proposed development, please click on the contact us button below.
How does wind energy work?

Frequently Asked Questions
- Why this location?
The proposed study area for Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm has been identified as a favourable site for wind energy generation. This can be attributed, in part, to the following:
- The study area has been identified as a ‘Open to Consideration’ for wind energy generation in the Cork County Development Plan.
- Good annual average wind speeds in the study area.
- The scale of the study area is such that setback distances from residential homes meet the national guidelines.
- The study area is accessible for connection to the national electricity grid. There is good capacity in the local electricity network.
- The existence of a good national and regional road network around the study area, enabling access to the site.
- How close will the turbines be to residential property?
The turbine layout for Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm will comply with the Draft Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2019), which proposes a setback distance of 4 times the tip height, subject to a mandatory minimum setback of 500 metres from residential property.
- Will there be shadow flicker?
Wind turbines, like many other tall structures, cast long shadows when the sun is low in the sky. This effect known as “shadow flicker” occurs where the rotating blades of a wind turbine cast a moving shadow over a window in a nearby house. The Draft Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2019) stipulate zero shadow flicker for any wind development.
With careful site design and appropriate mitigation, and most critically the use of appropriate equipment and computer software, no existing dwelling or other affected property (e.g. existing workplaces or schools) will experience shadow flicker.
- Are wind turbines noisy?
Modern design has drastically reduced the noise and mechanical components of wind turbines, so the most audible sound is of the wind interacting with the turbine blades. Even in quiet rural areas the sound of the blowing wind is often louder than the turbines. As part of an Environmental Impact Assessment, we must demonstrate noise levels will not significantly adversely affect residents.
We will conduct pre-construction noise monitoring to fully understand the noise environment, and post-construction noise monitoring to ensure that the noise limits are being adhered to. If for any reason, noise limits are exceeding the noise limit guidelines the turbines will be curtailed until a solution is found and noise limits are complied with.
- Will the wind farm impact property prices?
There is absolutely no research that we have seen which shows that wind farms affect property prices in Ireland. A major study in Scotland, a country of a similar size and a similar scale wind industry to Ireland, found no evidence of a negative impact on property prices.[1]
- Are wind farms bad for your health?
The surge in onshore wind development in Ireland over the last decade has led to some misconceptions about wind turbines and potential public health impacts. However, the World Health Organisation has said it found no evidence or ‘low quality’ evidence of any negative health impact from wind turbine noise.
The HSE also published a report in 2017 entitled “Position Paper on Wind Turbines and Public Health”. This report states: “There is no direct evidence that exposure to wind farm noise affects physical or mental health.”
In summary, to date there are no credible studies that provide evidence of any direct adverse effects on the general health of residents in the vicinity of wind farms (see below for a cross-section of research links).
Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region. World Health Organisation, 2018, pages 77-78.
Position Paper on Wind Turbines and Public Health. HSE Public Health Medicine Environment and Health Group, Feb 2017.
Low Frequency Noise Including Infrasound from Wind Turbines and Other Sources. the State Office for the Environment, Measurement and Nature Conservation of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Nov 2016.
Health effects of wind turbines on humans in residential settings. Alice Freiberg, Christiane Schefter, Maria Girbg, Vanise C Murta, Andreas Seidler. Environmental Research, Vol 169, Feb 2019.
Evidence on Wind Farms and Human Health. National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. February 2015.
Infrasound does not explain symptoms related to wind turbines. Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), June 2020.
- Are wind farms bad for the local environment?
Before submitting a planning application for Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm, the developer must prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment Report. The report explains in detail what impact the project, if it went ahead, would have on the environment. If any negative impacts are identified, the developer must explain how they are going to avoid or protect against these. Only if the planning authority is satisfied permission can be given for the development of the project.
- Is battery storage included in plans for the proposed Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm?
Battery Energy Storage Systems do not form part of our plans for the proposed Gooseberry Hill Wind Farm, and the project is not associated with any other proposed developments in the area.