The proposed Little Gala Wind Farm is located approximately 2.5km south east of Rigside and 4km west of Wiston, South Lanarkshire.
About the Project
This development will consist of 6 wind turbines with a maximum tip height of 149.9m, wind farm tracks and electrical infrastructure to be installed across an area of ca. 206 hectares. The expected generating capacity of the project is up to 30 MW of wind power, which is enough energy to supply approximately 20,000 homes annually with clean, renewable energy.
Latest News
An application to construct and operate the wind farm was submitted to South Lanarkshire Council in June 2022, under the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended. The development exceeds 20 MW and is therefore a major development planning application.
Following the consultation Supplementary Information (SI) has been submitted in support of the application providing information relating to Edinburgh Airport IFP, Landscape and Visual, Private Water Supply and Traffic and Transport. An updated Planning Statement was also submitted.
A copy of the application including the EIA Report which discusses the proposal in more detail and presenting the analysis of the environmental implications of the development and the submitted Supplementary Information, are available for download below. The documents are also available for download using the links below and on the South Lanarkshire Council planning website (application reference P/22/0881).
Project Location Map

The project team have carefully designed a wind farm layout which balances the requirement to optimise the energy output whilst limiting environmental impacts and responding to the site characteristics and sensitivities. Throughout the design process the following factors were considered:
- Technical constraints such as the wind regime, proximity to other turbines and steepness of slopes;
- Offsite environmental constraints such as landscape and visual effects;
- Onsite environmental constraints such as effects on vegetation, peat, watercourses and birds.
The design and location of the turbines and other infrastructure is an iterative process informed by desk and field studies and in consultation with stakeholders.
The main aims of the design process have been to develop a layout which:
- Considers landscape and visual impacts on local residents and the wider landscape;
- Maintains an appropriate separation distance from local residents;
- Responds to known on-site technical and environmental constraints including watercourses, gradients and existing infrastructure.
About the Site
The site occupies an area of approximately 206 hectares currently used for grazing livestock. The site is accessed via the B7055 (M74 and A70).
- Ecology
The planning team have proposed an outline habitat management plan, which offers biodiversity improvements on and around the site.
Why here?
- Good wind resource
- Good access from M74 and A70 to the site for construction traffic and turbine component transport
- Good access to the grid network
- The site is not located within any statutory designations for natural heritage conservation
- It is not within a regional landscape designation
The route to the site has been included in the EIAR and SI documents, which are downloadable below.
Benefits of Little Gala Wind Farm
- Provision of enough clean, green, renewable electricity to supply approximately 20,000 Scottish homes
- Help secure home-grown energy for the UK
- Generate employment opportunities for local supply chains and ongoing maintenance contracts
- We are committed to offering a community benefit package of £5,000 per installed MW per annum during the life of the project and are open to suggestions as to how this might best be used for the benefit of local communities
The Need for the Project
On 28th April 2019, Scotland’s First Minister declared a “climate emergency”, following this the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 was passed committing Scotland to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2045, at the latest, with an interim target of a 75% reduction in emissions by 2030.
The Onshore Wind Policy Statement (OWPS) was published in December 2022 and, for the first time, sets an onshore wind target: a Scottish Government ambition for a minimum of 20 GW of installed onshore wind capacity by 2030. New policy therefore supports an increase in the installed capacity of onshore wind in Scotland by a minimum amount equivalent to about 130% of the entire installed capacity of all current operational onshore wind farms in Scotland in a period of less than ten years. This is also embedded in the Scottish Government’s consultative Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan, together with the commitment to “place the climate and nature at the centre of our planning system”1 (original emphasis) in line with the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).
As onshore wind offers the lowest cost renewable energy technology, it is a vital component of the renewables industry in Scotland and will play a key part in achieving Scotland’s emission reduction targets.
The proposed development could contribute to these targets by adding up to 30 MW of installed onshore wind capacity, depending on final turbine design, throughout its 35 year operational lifespan.
Environmental Impact Assessment Report Download
- Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary
- Volume 2 - Main Report
- volume 3a Figures
- Volume 3a Figures Contents
- Figures 1.1 to 3.4
- Figures 4.1 to 4.2
- Figures 4.3a to 4.3b
- Figures 4.4a to 4.4b
- Figures 4.7.1 to 4.7.2
- Figures 4.7.3 to 4.7.4
- Figures 4.7.5 to 4.7.6
- Figures 4.7.7 to 4.7.8
- Figures 4.7.9 to 4.7.10
- Figures 4.7.11 to 4.7.12
- Figures 4.7.13 to 4.7.14
- Figures 4.7.15 to 4.7.16
- Figures 4.7.17 to 4.7.18
- Figures 4.7.19 to 4.7.20
- Figures 4.7.21 to 4.7.22
- Figures 4.7.23 to 4.7.24
- Figures 4.7.25 to 4.7.26
- Figures 4.7.27 to 4.7.28
- Figures 4.7.29 to 4.7.30
- Figures 4.7.31 to 4.7.32
- Figures 4.7.33 to 4.7.34
- Figures 4.7.35 to 4.7.36
- Figures 4.7.37 to 4.7.38
- Figures 4.7.39 to 4.7.40
- Figures 4.7.41 to 4.7.42
- Figures 4.7.43 to 4.7.44
- Figure 4.7.45
- Figures 5.1 to 6.5
- Figures 7.1 to 7.9
- Figures 8.1 to 8.7
- Figures 9.1 to 10.3
- Volume 3b - Visualisations
- Additional Application Documents
Supplementary Information Documents
Next Steps
South Lanarkshire Council have consulted a wide range of statutory and non-statutory consultees and their responses will be taken into consideration in determination of the application. South Lanarkshire Council will determine the application following completion of the consultation exercise and full consideration of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR), Supplementary Information (SI) and Updated Planning Statement.
If you would like further information or wish to provide feedback, please contact us by email. Please note that providing comments to Little Gala Windfarm Limited or BayWa r.e. UK is not a formal representation to South Lanarkshire Council.